Wednesday 3 July 2013

Introduction of Living Cells

Structural Building units of plant and Animals are called Cells. They are fundamental building blokes of life. Amount of cell are very from the type of organisms as Single cell organisms like Bacteria, malty cellular structure like Tissue, organ and Organism like plant and animals.

Cells are mostly small structure and composed with water and out of structure made by phospholipids by layer membrane. This layer is allowing to go inside and go outside to some component this is called semi permeable. Because not allow to go and come out all things. Only Permit to go some component.

Cell element contain 59% of Hydrogen (H), 24% of Oxygen (O), 11% of Carbon (C), 4 % of nitrogen and 2 % of other like prosperous (P), Sulphur (S) etc. The Cells have 90% of fluid called cytoplasm. Cytoplasm consists of Protein, Carbohydrates, fats, Free Amino acid and number of other elements. The cell Environment consists of Cytoplasm and Nucleus like DNA, RNA. This Cell environment affects Gene Expression and Gene Regulation.

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